Saturday, November 14, 2009



Every human being, regardless of his/her geographical location in the universe, is endowered with thinking ability. Some human beings make use their thinking gift rightly and profitably for the improvement of their environment while some engage their thinking power destructively, not minding their own self-destructive involvement. The basic truth therefore is that all human beings are thinkers.
Philosophy is inbuilt with human nature in his/her thinking faculty. This is the reason why all humans are philosophers. Man philosophizes among other reason, to acquire means, ways, manners and technical knowledge to solve problems of existence. For this reason philosophy is an essential component in the technological training of mind and body in order to make man and his environment productive and livable.
Since human beings are rational thinking beings and reasonable creatures they engage in philosophy and they philosophize as they go through their daily activity; indeed they philosophize every moment of their life.
All reasonable beings, including serious and unserious always seek after knowledge. Human beings by nature are prone to ask questions. We make enquiries and make discoveries. As rational beings, we ask to know the fundamental and ultimate beginning, end and value of all things. We ask questions to find out about the physical reality in the world, the mysteries in the world and wonders in the Universe.
As philosophers we do not only ask questions about the physical realities outside there, we also ask possible and important questions about ourselves. For instance, we seek to know more who we are; who created us why are we created; what is our goal and value in life; what is our end; after the end what follows? “Philosophy in the ancient world is generally an attempt to search after the nature of the universe and of man” says Ade Ali, (Ali, 1999:4).
Our submission is that philosophy is worldwide and it is a daily routine of human Endeavour. Regardless who you are, be you a technologist, a farmer, a medical doctor, a judge, a teacher, a social worker, a musician, a pastor, a labourer, or a street person, you are a philosopher at your own level and area of livelihood. Since everybody is more or less a philosopher, the question that readily comes to mind is that: what is Philosophy?
Despite the simple name it is, no single definition can give adequate and vivid description of philosophy. Philosophy has many definitions as the number of people who are interested in making an attempt to define it. For instance, those who are interested in wisdom would see philosophy as love of wisdom, while those who engage themselves in medication and contemplation are likely to say that philosophy is a reflective activity. For analytical mind, philosophy has a very wide and limitless range of definitions. The reason for this is not farfetched. It is simply because the thinking ability of man is limitless.
It follows therefore that there is no limit to the nature and scope of philosophy. In our own opinion, philosophy is a rational search for answers to the questions that arise in the mind when we reflect on human experiences. In other words, philosophy is a rational search for answers to the basic questions about the ultimate meaning of reality as a whole and of human life in particular.
I then concluded that definition of philosophy is more or less relative and it is usually viewed from the point of view of one’s areas of academic of field interest.

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