Tuesday, September 22, 2009


In an Olympic marathon race held in 1968 at Mexico City’s Olympic stadium, a group of die-hard spectators remained at the stadium to see who was going to be the first and the last in the races. Malmo Wolde of Ethiopia won the race but the crowd waited for the last participants as everything got dark and cool. It appeared as if the last runner were finished, so the remaining spectators were breaking up and leaving when they heard the sounds of siren and police whistles coming from the marathon gate into the stadium. As everyone watched one last runner made his way onto the track for the last lap of twenty-six miles race. It was a participant from Tanzania. As he ran the 400metres circuit, people could see that one of this legs was bandaged and bleeding, he had fallen and injured it during the race, but he had not let it stop him. The people in the stadium rose and applauded until he reached the finish line. As he hopped away, he was asked why he had not quitted, injured as he was and having no chance of winning a medal. He answered, “My country did not send me to Mexico to start the race, I was sent to finish the game.” The Tanzania participant looked beyond the pains of the moment and kept his eyes on the big picture of why he was there. Dear fellow mates, as you proceed on the success journey, keep in mind that your goal is to finish the race to the best you are capable of doing. Be more than just a racer today. Be a finisher.http://www.shapetimer.ning.comhttp://www.sellisup.blogspot.comhttp://www.prince4ademola.wordpress.com

Success lies not in achieving what you aim at, but in aiming at what you ought to achieve. By Eleaner Doan

Success is not measured by the height attains, but by the obstacles one overcome in their attainment. By Booker T. Washington

Opportunity often goes around, disguised as hard work. That is why so many people fail to find. Anonymous

Earn what you can, score all you can and give all you can. By John Wesley

There are no hopeless situations, only people who are hopeless about situation. John Grayhttp://www.shapetimer.ning.com